Knowing the exact time of your birth is essential for an accurate chart reading. There are a few options to restore your time of birth.
The best way to find the time you were born is to
look at your birth certificate. These will often list the birth time, but if you do not see one listed, you may have a short-form birth certificate that only includes essential information like name and birth date. You can also try calling the hospital where you were born. If they don’t keep those records themselves, they might be able to tell you who does.
Ask your parents, grandparents, caregivers, or someone who might have been present at your birth, like a relative or family friend.
Go through old baby books, photo family albums and boxes in the attic. You may find a tag from the hospital with tiem of birth or someone wrote down the time of birth in their diary.
Last resource, you can try to get your chart rectified by an astrologer who specializes in this technique. There will always be some trial and error — chart rectification is not an exact science — but for some people, it works very well. Please contact me and I can share astrology contacts details or I suggest going to your networks to find out if anyone you know works with an astrologer they trust.